Welcome to the Edmonton Sandlot Baseball Society

Edmonton Sandlot Baseball Society

Rules for the Edmonton Sandlot Baseball


  1. Maximum of 4 runs per half inning except for the final inning which is an “open” inning where there are no run limits and in the instance of a home run all runs will count and can be more than 4, the half inning will come to a close.
    1. The last inning must be agreed upon and declared before the start of the inning. The agreed upon inning is not capped for runs.
  2. 3 outs per inning
  3. Games are up to 7 innings maximum (sunlight/weather permitting) during regular season.
    1. Playoff games are 9 innings
  4. The outfield parameter rules must be agreed upon before the game, including ground rule double, home run markers, when such markers are not in place.
  5. Home team is responsible for keeping the official score
    1. Away team is welcome to keep a score to compare with home team
    2. Each team is responsible for recording their own stats


  1. Wood bats only
  2. All players on the roster that are present are to be included in the batting order.
  3. Batting order selected at the beginning of the game and kept consistent each game
  4. Each Plate appearance will result in one of the following:
    1. The first of either
      1. 3 strikes complete an out
        1. A foul ball will count as a strike for the first two strikes
        2. A foul ball will count as a 3rd strike IF batter attempts a bunt and fouls the ball with a bunt
      2. 4 called balls outside of the zone
    2. A ball hit fair that lands between the left and right field foul lines and the player makes it safely to base without being thrown out.
    3. A ball caught before it touches the ground by any member of the opposing team resulting in an out
    4. A ball fielded by an opposing team member and any of the following resulting in an out:
      1. Thrown to the person covering (touching) the first base
      2. Batter is tagged by the ball (gloved or otherwise) on route to any base
    5. A ball is hit and flies beyond the agreed upon “home run line” resulting in a homerun by the batter and runs by any baserunners already on base
    6. A ball is hit and one bounces over the agreed upon “home run” line resulting in an automatic double.
      1. Baserunners on base will advance by 2 bases from their occupied base before the pitch was thrown.

Base Running

  1. If the pitcher throws a pitch and it goes behind the catcher (pass ball) a base runner may attempt to steal [a] base(s).
    1. Runners may NOT attempt to steal a base on a blocked or caught ball by the catcher
  2. Base runners may lead off a base two reasonable strides maximum
  3. Advance on a sacrifice fly if:
    1. Runner touches their occupied base after the ball has been caught THEN
    2. Begins to run to the next base(s) after tagging their base
    3. If the runner fails to touch their occupied base they are automatically out.
  4. Advance on a sacrifice bunt if
    1. Runner touches their occupied base after the ball has been bunted THEN
    2. Begins to run to the next base(s) after tagging their base
    3. If the runner fails to touch their occupied base they are automatically out.
  5. Advance automatically one base if ball is thrown out of play by an opposing fielder
  6. No intentional contact or interference is to be tolerated from either the runner or defender. Any spiking or intentional contact will result in immediate expulsion and possible suspension.


  1. Fielder Right of Way
    1. The players, coaches or any member of a team at bat shall vacate any space (including both dugouts or bullpens) needed by a fielder who is attempting to field a batted or thrown ball.
    2. If a member of the team at bat (other than a runner) hinders a fielder’s attempt to catch or field a batted ball, the ball is dead, the batter is declared out and all runners return to the bases occupied at the time of the pitch.
    3. If a member of the team at bat (other than a runner) hinders a fielder’s attempt to field a thrown ball, the ball is dead, the runner on whom the play is being made shall be declared out and all runners return to the last legally occupied base at the time of the interference.
  2. The fielder must provide a clear path to the base at all times, any impediment to the runner on the base path will result in interference and the base +1 will be awarded, any runners displaced by the awarded runner may advance 1 base.


  1. Pitchers can pitch a MAXIMUM of 3 innings (in a row or combined) per game
  2. Pitchers must begin their wind up touching the rubber pitching block
  3. Pitchers must be removed if they have hit 3 batters in a game
    1. Any clearly intentional hit by pitch will result in immediate expulsion and possible suspension if deemed necessary.
  4. Pitchers cannot wear white long sleeved shirts.
  5. When a walk occurs, the ball is still live: any runner not forced to advance may nevertheless attempt to advance at his own risk, which might occur on a passed ball, or wild pitch.
  6. Pitching rubber will be positioned and agreed upon by both starting pitchers of each team and not moved for the entirety of the game.


Our goal in 2024 is to have paid umpires for all games.

If a game does not have an umpire, we will need to utilize a volunteer from the batting team to be an umpire.

  1. It is expected that the player to be designated as umpire is as many of the following as possible:
    1. The most knowledge of the rules of baseball on the team (decided by team captain)
    2. Not on next or 3rd in the batting order that inning
    3. Consistent for the whole game (should be a maximum of 3 umpires per team)
  2. Appeals to the umpire can be made by either team but the discretion is up to the umpire.
  3. An Umpire may be removed from their position for that game after 3 lodged and accepted complaints from either team.

updated 2024-04-07